This also happened when I tried to add a new profile and if I tried to use an IP address instead of server name. When I tried to manually change the exchange server name in Outlook from the source (3) to destination server (4) it would change back to the source when “check name” was used. This was discovered by accident when the source server went off-line and no one could connect to their mail with Outlook 2010. These are the only services that are having issues. Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access Service. SBS 2011 Exchange 2010 services not starting. It is not only that they don’t auto discover it they cannot be forced to connect to it. The Outlook 2010 clients cannot find the new Destination Server. I am past the Exchange migration steps and both Exchange servers 3 and 4 show up in the Exchange Management Console. The SBS 2011 standard is nearly complete in migrating to SBS 2011 standard on new hardware (server4) per the MS migration instructions.
The old server (2) is offline and reformatted. SBS 2008 (server2) was successfully migrated to SBS 2011 standard on temporary hardware (server3).